God and the 144000
Who is God and Who are We?
by Steve Marek on 01/24/14
Who is God
God is "the all", what is the all? What are the ingredients in the universe? Energy and matter. And what is matter but energy particles winding in orbit at near the speed of light, creating a "solid" ball. Like a fan, Off, no energy. You can stick your finger through, but on (with energy) its like a solid space and you cannot get your finger through. Take thousands, millions and trillions of these tiny "solid balls" and lump them all together, you get matter. The entire universe is made up of energy and God is that energy. Your body, soul and conscience is energy and you are part of all energy, God.
Why Worship or Praise God?
Most all the religions of the world state that our existence is for one purpose, to worship God. Worship is to admire, Praise is to acknowledge Gods creation. God is "the all" and we worship him by admiring a sunrise or sunset, watching waves wash on the shore, watching a tree bend softly in the wind, watching the beauty of movement. Swimming, fishing, hiking, sitting on a rock, feeling the sun or wind against your skin, Experiencing life and all there is to experience life, feel, emotions, including both love and loss, happiness and sadness, joy and pain. In fact life is all of these. To experience life is to worship God. Admiring the all with all our senses.
Who are We?
In Revelations, John of Patmos envisioned events at or near the "End of Time" when all is over in this dimension of existence, Twelve thousands (12,000) souls each of the twelve (12) tribes of Israel will enter the Kingdom of Heaven with God. One hundred forty-four thousand is all the souls that earned a place in heaven. There are billions alive on Earth today, and billions upon billions more buried in their graves. How could only a tiny fraction of souls earn the privilege to walk with God into heaven? The answer turns out to be quite simple, we all earn the privilege in the end to walk hand in hand with God into the promise of Heaven. Only One hundred forty-four thousand walk with God because there are only One hundred forty-four thousand of us.
Whoo, only One hundred forth-four thousand of us?
Yes, and let me smile and tell you the simple answer. We each have a soul riding along in life with us, it is the identity of me and resides within. We are billions and billions of human beasts and One hundred forty-four thousand share the ride hundreds, even thousands of times over. There is one in One hundred forty-four thousand chance that you and I are the same soul. Remember "Time" is something that exists all at once in the dimension of heaven, and our souls came from and will return to heaven. Time is irrelevant. Understand that and you can comprehend the answer.
Ever wondered why in Genesis God said let "us" make man in "our" own image? Who was He talking to? You and me, we were there in the beginning also, all One hundred forty-four thousand of us.
Also understand that "all time" eternity is a very very long time. There is plenty of time to experience our life in detail. In fact, do we know what time it is? Maybe we are living a recording that took place billions of years ago when the Universe existed. Time remains, but all else is gone but the records of all times.